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The Scale Up CTO

Expert technology consultancy for organisations sized 1 to 1000 people

I can use 20 years of experience building and leading companies to help you with:

  • Strategy: Whether at the start of your journey or making mid-course adjustments
  • Architecture: Designing a new platform, or preparing an existing one for scale or cloud-readiness. Moving from MVP to reliable, scalable and performant products
  • Process: Optimising for increased velocity, or redesigning your technical, product and user experience workflows
  • Mentoring: Support for new-in role CTOs or VP Engineering, or even for CEOs without technical founders
  • Teams: Hiring and recruitment process, role & organisation design, dealing with employment issues, creating high performance teams and retaining them
  • Exits & Investments: Pre-flight health checks & due diligence, how to best represent your technology
  • Non-executive Director: Suitable where input is required on an ongoing basis
Who is the Scale up CTO?