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As a non technical CEO it’s invaluable having an independent eye deep dive on our technology stack. Chris took his findings, translated them into clear actionable insights that he presented at board level with clear prioritisation of where we needed to focus our resources. Throughout the process Chris worked closely with our CTO to raise his awareness of future challenges he may face and the preventive steps that could be implement now to allow the business to scale. Both myself and Marc, our CTO, look forward to working with Chris again in the future.

Adam Callow, CEO Expert Trades
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At the board level as CTO Chris has demonstrated a technology leadership style that has grown a successful and scalable engineering culture and an engineering function that is well integrated into the business as a whole. Chris approaches his board-level role focused on the success of the whole business whilst respecting his centre of gravity in engineering. This works well due to Chris's honest and straightforward style combined with entrepreneurial acumen and interest in business.

Justin Leavesley, Co-Founder Talis
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I had the pleasure of working with Chris for 7 years, where as CTO we would find ourselves collaborating on a variety of initiatives. During that time I not only witnessed Chris’ inspiring leadership, but also benefited from his mentorship.

His pragmatic approach to problem solving, enthusiasm, drive and commitment to innovation is inspiring. Chris' work continues to pay dividend long past his tenure here. I hope our professional paths cross again in the future.

Jeremy Baines, Freelance UX Professional and author of "UX Lifecycle"
Picture of Russell Hill

I worked for Chris for 6 years and found him to be an extremely talented and versatile CTO, he consistently provided excellent technical guidance, direction and leadership to the development team. He's confident, capable and immensely professional, putting the company first and always considering what was best for it and its customers. He is approachable and keen to give help when needed. I was especially impressed with his ability to manage so many concurrent tasks without ever taking his eye off the ball. He was well respected and held in high regard by people throughout the company. To summarise, I'd work with Chris again in a heartbeat.

Russell Hill, Lead Engineer

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